Admit it: you check your horoscope once in awhile. Sometimes you just can’t help but wonder what the day has in store for you, and it’s comforting to have it (kind of) predicted. While we can’t know whether or not our fate is truly written in the stars, there is one thing we can always count on: wine. For today’s horoscope prediction, we’re making a bet that you’ll try one of these wines.
Aries (3/21-4/19) & Chardonnay
If you’re an Aries, you’re both bold and courageous. Aries have a burning desire for starting something new and love to be in the party. Your wine match is “look-at-me” oaked Chardonnay. Sure, you two might get some jealous stares. But ignore the haters, nothing can bring you down.
Taurus (4/20-5/20) & Red Burgundy
As a Taurus, you certainly have a taste for the good life. There’s only one thing that can quench your thirst for all things chic. Enter stage right Red Burgundy. One of the most expensive wines in the world, this famed Pinot Noir from France is some of the best red wine money can buy. Embrace the excessive and get a bottle, because you’re worth it.
Gemini (5/21-6/21) & Riesling
Just like a Sour Patch Kid, Geminis can be both sweet and sour. If you’re an astrological twin, Riesling is your wine spirit-animal. You may have a dual personality, but you’re likeable 100% of the time. Dry or sugary, Riesling’s bright acidity and playful citrus notes are appropriate for any situation you’ll find yourself in.
Cancer: (6/22-7/22) & Rioja
The Cancer crab will retreat into its shell at the first sign of confrontation and will do anything to protect the home on its back. That’s because mighty Cancers serve as the figurehead of the family. A personality that strong-willed and helpful to others deserves a solid Rioja. The wine is just as powerful as a Cancer. Plus, it complements a bunch of different foods. Just try to stay away from the king crab legs.
Leo: (7/23-8/22) & Left Bank Bordeaux
You just can’t wait to be king, can you? Leos are ready for the spotlight, even if everyone else isn’t. Decisive, romantic and dignified, those under this sign are a match made in heaven with a Left Bank Bordeaux, made with a majority of Cabernet Sauvignon. Cab Sauvignon is as much of a ruler as your are, and it gives you strength a Leo craves. Take a sip and dive into center stage, you are the ringleader after all.
Virgo: (8/23-9/22) & Sauvignon Blanc
Virgos get things done and they get them done right – the first time. They are super studious, reliable, and grounded beyond belief. Sauvignon Blanc is the perfect wine for this salt-of-the-earth personality. The wine is bright with citrus, but also balanced (just like you) with herby notes and grassy aromatics.
Libra: (9/23-10/22) & Sparkling White
Libras thrive for balance in all parts of life, because when one finds balance, one finds beauty. However, Libras aren’t one to horde the beauty and like to work together with others. The camaraderie that comes from clinking a glass with others is exactly what Libras crave, so pop open a bottle of sparking white wine and let’s share the festive bubbles.
Scorpio: (10/23-11/21) & Syrah
For all the Scorpios out there, we’ll keep this short, because we know you don’t like to waste time. Super passionate, extremely motivated, and sometimes self-destructive, a glass of Syrah is right for you. This tannin-packed dark wine is lusty in nature – just like you. Despite all that, both you and Syrah are agreeable, so no one should be (that) intimidated.
Sagittarius: (11/22-12/21) & Malbec
Like the Scorpio, a Sagittarius is a little blunt, but they’re clear thinkers and want to always see the big picture. Malbec is the juice you centaurs are sipping on. Known for its extreme drinkability, the wine became popular by word of mouth, and continued on its path to popularity. The open road is what the Sagittarius seeks, and a bottle of Malbec is all you need to help explore it.
Capricorn: (12/22-1/19) & Ice Wine
Started from the bottom now we here is the mantra of the Capricorn. Working hard, never hardly working, Capricorns will climb to the top to get the money, power, and glory they desire. The perfect accompaniment to this journey is a glass of ice wine. Waiting until the moment is right to produce an unprecedented sweetness, the grapes share the same mantra as the Capricorns. After spending the time to make everything perfect, the rewards shall be reaped by grape and human alike
Aquarius: (1/20-2/18) & Biodynamic Blend
The social warrior of the Zodiac, Aquarius is unpredictable and extremely innovative. Using your eccentric personality and immense brainpower, you’ll enjoy a Biodynamic Blend. Being biodynamic means the wine is made in conjunction with the balance of the moon cycles and nature. If you’re an Aquarius, that offbeat wine sounds just for you.
Pisces: (2/19-3/20) & Rosé
Pisces are the epitome of emotion. They’re sensitive, creative, deep in their spirituality, and immensely artistic. Some may say that Pisces live the lush fantasies of their lives through… rosé colored glasses. A perfectly chilled rosé with hints of fresh strawberries is more than enough to take a Pisces away to a magical place.