Every January, people around the world resolve to better themselves. For some, that means spending more time with family and friends. For others, it means a tighter budget. Others, still, resolve to take a pause from drinking after a lush holiday season.
We commend those Dry January participants who are using this month to make healthier choices (and avoid dreaded hangovers), but this month isn’t all about cutting back. While the entire VinePair team may not be partaking in the sober tradition, we all have drinks-related resolutions of our own.
Whether it’s supporting our favorite local haunts or fine-tuning our home bartending skills, here are team VinePair’s drinks resolutions for 2022.
“In 2022, I resolve to drink out more. 2021 was supposed to be our emergence from Covid, but I am confident 2022 will begin to feel more normal. While I love making cocktails and drinking wine and beer at home, I plan to head out and explore. When I did go out in 2021, I visited my reliable favorites, places I had supported during quarantine that I wanted to continue to show love. This year, I want to try all the new places, as well as many of the old I just haven’t been to. There are so many amazing people doing incredible things in the drinks space, and I want to be out supporting them.” —Adam Teeter, CEO and co-founder
“This year, I’d like to take on more drinks projects at home, with bathtub gin and Toby Cecchini’s Ginger-Lime Cordial at the top of the list. Also, circumstances permitting, I’d like to visit more new bars, here in NYC and around the country. Undoubtedly like many others, I’ve really been missing that experience of discovery, and it’s so important to what we do.” —Joanna Sciarrino, executive editor
“My 2022 drinks resolution is to drink more wine than I did in 2021, from everywhere and in all styles, and to try every cocktail featured in VinePair’s Cocktail College podcast.” —Keith Beavers, tastings director
“My drinks resolution for 2022 is to move away from the more popular brands of whatever spirit I’m drinking and try smaller-batch bottles from locally owned, locally sourced operators. Tequila is what comes to mind as there are so many great options that are overlooked and underappreciated — especially due to all the celebrity endorsements these days.” —Dario Foroutan, social editor
“In 2022, I’m hoping to explore more bars in my neighborhood. I moved to Brooklyn in June, but honestly didn’t spend much time visiting the places around me and tend to go into Manhattan to the ‘trendier’ cocktail bars. There are so many great ones that I have on my list, like Clover Club, Barely Disfigured, and Grand Army that are just a walk away.” —Danielle Grinberg, art director
“Going into the new year, I’m resolving to step out of my comfort zone of wine and try more cocktails! Over the holiday, I received a barware set, so I’d like to put it to good use. I’m thinking of starting with classics, but have been eyeing a few interesting variations like this Blood Orange Paloma. I’ve also been interested in the Bee’s Knees cocktail, a 1920s classic that looks as uncomplicated as it does delicious.” —Jessica Fields, assistant editor
“I think my resolution is more ‘out of my comfort zone’ at-home mixology — a.k.a. not just drinks that require two ingredients.” —Rob Gearity, senior director, integrated marketing
“I’d like to make a lot more highballs in 2022. I decided this after batching a SodaStream’s worth of Suntory Whisky Toki and Cheeky ginger syrup on New Year’s Eve — they were so refreshing! — and I felt very refined. And because I’m feeling beginning-of-year brave, I’ll share this, too: I’m hoping to order my first round of Snaiquiris, perhaps at Maison Premiere.” —Cat Wolinski, managing editor
“In 2022, I am hoping to drink more tea. I drink too much coffee in the morning, and in my day-to-day life I try a considerable amount of alcohol. Using tea as a way to treat myself at the end of the day, enjoying new comforting flavor profiles, will definitely help with my problem of delineating work, play, and relaxation.” —Julia Larson, editorial intern
“This year, I’m resolving to limit myself to just one caffeinated beverage a day and trying to drink more water. I’m also working on sticking to my budget, which means making more drinks at home rather than overspending at bars and restaurants.” —Katie Brown, associate editor
“I’m starting my 2022 off with Dry January, making it my fifth year in a row. As soon as February arrives, I’ll be perfecting my Margaritas using premium orange liqueurs.” —Jason Russell, senior director, brand partnerships
“In 2022, I have two drinks resolutions. One is to step out of my comfort zone and try new cocktails using spirits, flavors, and products I normally don’t order. Thinking more Cognacs, gins, and mezcal. My second resolution is to become a pro at ordering wine. Been binging Wine 101 for that one.” —Lyndsey Corin, director, brand partnerships and sales
“I’m participating in Dry January for the first time this year!” —Lily Nelson, social video producer
“As I think about the styles of alcohol I’d like to explore more in 2022, I realize they all make me sound like a pretentious arsehole. So I’ll instead share this: In 2021, I drank zero 50.50 Martinis. I vow to do the same this year and every thereafter, as a staunch proponent of proper Martinis.” —Tim McKirdy, senior staff writer