Whoever said summer drinking only ended in dehydration obviously hasn’t had one of these cooling agent-filled cocktails. While alcohol is certainly responsible for dehydration (hello, hangovers), adding some of these various cooling agents to your cocktail will help keep dehydration and heat exhaustion at bay. Ingredients like mint, lemongrass, eucalyptus, and cucumber all hold strong reputations for keeping us cool; add a few of these to your drinks, and you’ll feel refreshed in no time.
Mint Cucumber Prosecco Sparkler
Double your cool-down game by adding mint and cucumber to this Prosecco-based beverage. A simple concoction of Prosecco, vodka, and simple syrup; you really can’t go wrong here.
Lemongrass and Cucumber Caprioska

Another recipe that doubles down on cooling agents; lemongrass’s anti-pyretic properties are so strong, doctors in Vietnam use it to reduce fevers!
Irish Sour
The strong presence of mint in this original Irish Sour recipe is sure to keep you cool all day long. In fact, mint’s menthol oils have been shown to significantly reduce body temperature upon consumption.
Eucalyptus Martini

The eucalyptus syrup used in this original Martini recipe will keep the sweating at bay during your weekend day-drinking session. And don’t be intimidated by the idea of the homemade syrup; it’s actually super simple to make.
Lemongrass Gin Fizz with Mint

Because who doesn’t love a solid Gin Fizz coupled with cooling-agent properties for summer? Plus, the menthol oils in mint have been shown to immediately ignite cooling sensations in the throat and mouth due to reactions with the body’s nervous system.
Mango and Mint-Spiked Lemonade
Not only will the mint in this Spiked Lemonade keep you cool, but the ultra-juicy mango juice is super refreshing on a hot day. It’s like your favorite, fruity, childhood lemonade, just a little boozier.
The Kentucky Tea Cocktail Recipe

This take on boozy Southern sweet tea is perfect for backyard sipping in the summer. Best of all? This recipe leaves the cooling agent of choice up to you.