Rating 85
Style White
Vintage NV
ABV 8.5%
Price $13.00 Value Pick  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
Reviewed By
Reviewed 2019-09-04

Perfect For

Asian Food, Last Minute Wine Runs, Spicy Pairings

Drink If You Like

Gewürztraminer, Riesling , Traminette

Weingut Eifel-Pfeifer 'Heinz Eifel' Riesling Kabinett NV Review

It’s pretty damn balanced for $13, with a lemony, wet-concrete-after-a-storm vibe going on. The palate is tart and sweet, but there’s enough acidity to clean all that up. I know, you're busy, you forgot to grab the wine for the BYOB thing, and the menu is spicy. Grab this bottle, it'll calm the heat, and your friends will thank you.

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Weingut Eifel-Pfeifer 'Heinz Eifel' Riesling Kabinett NV
It’s pretty damn balanced for $13, with a lemony, wet-concrete-after-a-storm vibe going on. The palate is tart and sweet, but there’s enough acidity to clean all that up. I know, you're busy, you forgot to grab the wine for the BYOB thing, and the menu is spicy. Grab this bottle, it'll calm the heat, and your friends will thank you.

Reviewed On: 09-04-2019
Weingut Eifel-Pfeifer 'Heinz Eifel' Riesling Kabinett NV
It’s pretty damn balanced for $13, with a lemony, wet-concrete-after-a-storm vibe going on. The palate is tart and sweet, but there’s enough acidity to clean all that up. I know, you're busy, you forgot to grab the wine for the BYOB thing, and the menu is spicy. Grab this bottle, it'll calm the heat, and your friends will thank you.

Reviewed On: 09-04-2019