Rating 89
Style Sparkling White
Vintage NV
ABV 11%
Price $17.00 Value Pick  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
Reviewed By
Reviewed 2023-02-14

Perfect For

House Wine, Pleasing A Crowd, Starting The Night

Drink If You Like

Glera, Riesling , Trebbiano (Ugni Blanc)

La Marca Prosecco NV Review

This wine is solid, with a sharp-ish nose that calms on the palate. At first, the very ripe notes of pear are upfront but as the bubbles are left to settle, so does the fruit. The palate is alive with persistent bubbles and a slightly sugary pop among the juiciness. This is a Prosecco with some personality.

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La Marca Prosecco NV
This wine is solid, with a sharp-ish nose that calms on the palate. At first, the very ripe notes of pear are upfront but as the bubbles are left to settle, so does the fruit. The palate is alive with persistent bubbles and a slightly sugary pop among the juiciness. This is a Prosecco with some personality.

Reviewed On: 02-14-2023
La Marca Prosecco NV
This wine is solid, with a sharp-ish nose that calms on the palate. At first, the very ripe notes of pear are upfront but as the bubbles are left to settle, so does the fruit. The palate is alive with persistent bubbles and a slightly sugary pop among the juiciness. This is a Prosecco with some personality.

Reviewed On: 02-14-2023