Rating 91
Style Red
Blend , Sangiovese
Vintage 2017
ABV 13.5%
Price $16.00  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
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Reviewed 2020-07-13

Perfect For

Dinner Parties, Steak Dinner, Weekday Dinner Pairings

Drink If You Like

Merlot, Montepulciano , Sangiovese

Gioacchino Garofoli 'Piancarda' Rosso Conero 2017 Review

This is that classic earthy Italian red wine you think about when you think about classic earthy Italian red wine. This is your lasagna wine. Your skirt steak wine. It’ll hold up nicely to a Parapardelle with ragu. If you want stick to your ribs Italian food, this is the wine to pair.

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Gioacchino Garofoli 'Piancarda' Rosso Conero 2017
This is that classic earthy Italian red wine you think about when you think about classic earthy Italian red wine. This is your lasagna wine. Your skirt steak wine. It’ll hold up nicely to a Parapardelle with ragu. If you want stick to your ribs Italian food, this is the wine to pair.

Reviewed On: 07-13-2020
Gioacchino Garofoli 'Piancarda' Rosso Conero 2017
This is that classic earthy Italian red wine you think about when you think about classic earthy Italian red wine. This is your lasagna wine. Your skirt steak wine. It’ll hold up nicely to a Parapardelle with ragu. If you want stick to your ribs Italian food, this is the wine to pair.

Reviewed On: 07-13-2020