Rating 90
Style Red
Blend , Cabernet Franc, Merlot, Petit Verdot
Vintage 2017
Napa County
North Coast
ABV 14.1%
Price $92.00  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
Reviewed By
Review Updated 2021-08-16

Perfect For

Cold Weather Hibernation, Dinner With The Parents, Winning Over the Boss

Drink If You Like

Cabernet Sauvignon, Malbec , Zinfandel

Gamble Family Vineyards Paramount Red 2017 Review

Ripe and rich with a nice smooth fruit depth. The acidity brightens up the corners of the wine which smells like blueberries with a whiff of cherry jam. This is a great for wine and cheese party. The tannins have melted into the core so, it'll please a crowd.

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Gamble Family Vineyards Paramount Red 2017
Ripe and rich with a nice smooth fruit depth. The acidity brightens up the corners of the wine which smells like blueberries with a whiff of cherry jam. This is a great for wine and cheese party. The tannins have melted into the core so, it'll please a crowd.

Reviewed On: 06-07-2021
Gamble Family Vineyards Paramount Red 2017
Ripe and rich with a nice smooth fruit depth. The acidity brightens up the corners of the wine which smells like blueberries with a whiff of cherry jam. This is a great for wine and cheese party. The tannins have melted into the core so, it'll please a crowd.

Reviewed On: 06-07-2021