Rating 92
Style Red
Blend , Petit Verdot
Vintage 2020
ABV 14.1%
Price $60.00  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
Reviewed By
Reviewed 2023-03-28

Perfect For

Dinner Parties, Treat Yo'self, Wine And Cheese Night

Drink If You Like

Barbera, Merlot , Petit Verdot

Early Mountain Eluvium 2020 Review

Early Mountain's achievements and love of the land are almost unmatched in the Commonwealth...almost (there are so many pioneers in Virginia). They have such a presence in the state, and are focused on prioritizing sustainability and inclusivity. This wine is just one example of what this producer is capable of. The nose is filled with forest fruit (earthy and tart). The palate has a great natural acidity, which is awesome because the fruit and tannins are significant and need that lean acid to keep the wine refreshing. It's still aging, but really showing well now.

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Early Mountain Eluvium 2020
Early Mountain's achievements and love of the land are almost unmatched in the Commonwealth...almost (there are so many pioneers in Virginia). They have such a presence in the state, and are focused on prioritizing sustainability and inclusivity. This wine is just one example of what this producer is capable of. The nose is filled with forest fruit (earthy and tart). The palate has a great natural acidity, which is awesome because the fruit and tannins are significant and need that lean acid to keep the wine refreshing. It's still aging, but really showing well now.

Reviewed On: 03-28-2023
Early Mountain Eluvium 2020
Early Mountain's achievements and love of the land are almost unmatched in the Commonwealth...almost (there are so many pioneers in Virginia). They have such a presence in the state, and are focused on prioritizing sustainability and inclusivity. This wine is just one example of what this producer is capable of. The nose is filled with forest fruit (earthy and tart). The palate has a great natural acidity, which is awesome because the fruit and tannins are significant and need that lean acid to keep the wine refreshing. It's still aging, but really showing well now.

Reviewed On: 03-28-2023