Rating 91
Produced In France
ABV 40%
Availability Year Round
Price $31.00 
Reviewed By
Review Updated 2022-08-09

CÎROC Vodka Review

This vodka is distilled from grapes, and that fruity profile really shines on the nose and palate. The texture is more full-bodied than most vodkas you will try, with the fruit notes giving the perception of sweetness. It's the perfect blank canvas for cocktails, but if you want to sip over a large rock of ice, add a lemon wedge and you're good to go.

CÎROC Vodka Pros And Cons

  • Subtle but noticeably fruity profile
  • Rich mouthfeel that adds body to cocktails
  • From a large-scale producer and therefore unlikely to excite spirits aficionados
  • There are more interesting bottles at this price point

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This vodka is distilled from grapes, and that fruity profile really shines on the nose and palate. The texture is more full-bodied than most vodkas you will try, with the fruit notes giving the perception of sweetness. It's the perfect blank canvas for cocktails, but if you want to sip over a large rock of ice, add a lemon wedge and you're good to go.

Reviewed On: 10-29-2020
This vodka is distilled from grapes, and that fruity profile really shines on the nose and palate. The texture is more full-bodied than most vodkas you will try, with the fruit notes giving the perception of sweetness. It's the perfect blank canvas for cocktails, but if you want to sip over a large rock of ice, add a lemon wedge and you're good to go.

Reviewed On: 10-29-2020