Rating 82
Style Red
Blend , Cabernet Sauvignon, Syrah / Shiraz
Vintage 2017
ABV 14.5%
Price $24.00  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
Reviewed By
Reviewed 2020-04-24

Perfect For

Happy Hour, Last Minute Wine Runs, Party Wine

Drink If You Like

Malbec, Merlot , Zinfandel

Big Max Red Blend 2017 Review

It has a screw cap and the bottle looks cool. The wine is not complex, but goes down easy. This is a solid last minute pick up for the big party you're headed to. It looks good on a drinks table.

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Big Max Red Blend 2017
It has a screw cap and the bottle looks cool. The wine is not complex, but goes down easy. This is a solid last minute pick up for the big party you're headed to. It looks good on a drinks table.

Reviewed On: 04-24-2020
Big Max Red Blend 2017
It has a screw cap and the bottle looks cool. The wine is not complex, but goes down easy. This is a solid last minute pick up for the big party you're headed to. It looks good on a drinks table.

Reviewed On: 04-24-2020