Rating 92 2021 Top 50  
Style White
Vintage 2017
ABV 13%
Price $24.00 Value Pick  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
Reviewed By
Review Updated 2021-11-29

Perfect For

Date Night, Dinner With The Parents, Wine And Cheese Night

Drink If You Like

Albariño, Chardonnay , Chenin Blanc

Albert Bichot 'Secret de Famille' Bourgogne Cote d'Or Chardonnay 2017 Review

A Chardonnay that is as crisp and refreshing as it is deep and luscious. There is no oak here. Just clean lines of structure with some smells of sliced apples and fancy bistro butter. This is a great example of the grape from its home.

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Albert Bichot 'Secret de Famille' Bourgogne Cote d'Or Chardonnay 2017
A Chardonnay that is as crisp and refreshing as it is deep and luscious. There is no oak here. Just clean lines of structure with some smells of sliced apples and fancy bistro butter. This is a great example of the grape from its home.

Reviewed On: 08-17-2021
Albert Bichot 'Secret de Famille' Bourgogne Cote d'Or Chardonnay 2017
A Chardonnay that is as crisp and refreshing as it is deep and luscious. There is no oak here. Just clean lines of structure with some smells of sliced apples and fancy bistro butter. This is a great example of the grape from its home.

Reviewed On: 08-17-2021