In the words of the Beastie Boys, it’s time to “get get get get busy y’all!” This is your birthday month and man, do you have an amazing lineup of planets in your decan. Honestly, we’re a little bit jealous. And the universe is bringing you presents! With Sun, Moon, Mercury and Venus in step like the electric slide, it is time to fall in love and enjoy some increased income. Get ready for your fashion sense to heighten. Get ready to be a boss in those upcoming business meetings. Blow off some steam for once. Instead of digging in your heels, plow ahead for once. Draw a cool $50 out of that soon-to-be healthy bank account and grab yourself a non-vintage Champagne and put it in the fridge to pop with that special someone who will soon walk right into you.
Ready, set, breathe. Good for you! Spring is in the air and your hard work is about to pay off. That phone call, email or text you’ve been waiting for is on its way, and when that happens, a chain of events led by the solar eclipse and sexy Mars will set you on a path of positive universal connective tissue. Sounds cool, right? Enjoy the ego boost as well as your slight stubborn nature taking a well- needed vacation. Your stubbornness got you to to this point. You are about to get really busy, but you will need to be focused. This is a good time to celebrate like only a Taurus can: moderately. Get yourself a bottle of good ol’ Kentucky bourbon and after a long day of focused work, sit back like they do on porches south of the Mason-Dixon at sunset and sip the sun goodnight. Maybe put on those overalls that were so hot in 2014 because you’re in a Mumford & Sons phase. No judgment!
The solar eclipse will draw out your inherent skills like clean water from an aquifer. But that water has to go somewhere as it careens down a small creek feeding into a river destined for a waterfall. Don’t freak out — this is a good thing. The skill you use this month will allow you to work hard and find a tributary before the rapids arrive. You will have the ability to stop problems before they get any harder so you’re kind of a badass. Speaking of badass, channel your inner Annalise Keating and grab yourself a good bottle of clean filtered vodka (like clear water; see what we did there?). Keep it in the freezer and end your hard-earned evenings this month with a sip or two.
The solar eclipse brings a fat new moon for that friendship or relationship that is getting, dare we say, real? Like, real real. Thing is, Cancer, that big ol’ moon will bring a little bit of strain in the finance department that may test your new connection. But you got this. You’re a water sign. You got flow. Just draw on your natural nurturing personality and keep as positive as you can. You know it’ll all pay off because you know what it’s like to plant deep roots and stay solid, whether it’s in your job or personal life. Stay focused and keep it on the cheap all month by investing in a case of Vinho Verde. This fizzy vibrant and lemony white wine from Portugal will always be there for you, and we know how you love stability. The case will cost you maybe $100 or less, and you and your real love can celebrate the small victories to get you through March.
Yo. Leo. You got great stars this month. And they will shine in the form of legit social skills, which you already have but will amp up first half of the month. All this confidence will bring out a few haters but you’re all good. Keep it up. Like Jay Z says, “They just haters. I wave at you, I’m so player.” Brush that dirt off your shoulder because they will level off toward the end of the month and you’ll be having brunch like nothing ever happened. And when it’s over you have accomplished that goal you have been setting out for yourself and you’ve gotten your friends back. Win win! Speaking of brunch, splurge on not one but a few bottles of Prosecco. Have a bowl of oranges on hand for fresh squeezed OJ and get ready for a month of Mimosas cuz you’re a baller.
We know you are good at this, so this month is all about prioritization. The good news is that because you are an expert at this and the envy of many you will get through March unscathed. This damn Solar eclipse will keep you on your toes over the next few weeks and force you to work a little harder, better, faster, stronger. If you keep organized, and we know you will Mr. or Mrs. Bullet Point Magee, you will see all that focus pay off through solid negotiation. The silver lining in all this is that sexy Mars is right behind the eclipse, bringing you the self-confidence you need in the face of adversity. You can do this and get through this with a case of crisp lager and kick back with a bottle of suds after a day of battle like you just kicked ass. Wipe your brow; you done good.
What did you do to have all this free time? You’re killing it! The recent goals you have accomplished leave you walking on air like Katy Perry in the month of March. Which makes sense — you’re a water sign — but you already knew that. Keep it up, whatever you are doing, and let the solar eclipse this month wash over you. You might crack your phone screen due to the universe screwing with your communication or tech skills, but whatevs. Live it up and see you next month. In the meantime, think about picnics and bottles of a very affordable white wine from southern France called Picpoul de Pinet. Fresh, crisp and lemony, with a slight weight and bracing acidity, it pairs well with snacks and seafood as well as your carefree sitch. You go!
O.K., Scorpio, it’s time to make a deal. The last six months of positive energy have all been leading up to the solar eclipse, and this is your moment. People will stand in your way but you are prepared to come to the table and get what you want. This could be in your business life or maybe taking the plunge into a new relationship. Either way, you come out on top. Deal? Speaking of deals, the best way to seal a deal is to go out to dinner and celebrate with a nice bottle of wine. Treat yourself to a nice full-bodied bottle of red wine to feel the grip of success. Let’s go to the Italian section of the wine list into the region of Piedmont. The elegant yet full-bodied awesome Barolo, made from the Nebbiolo grape, is called the king of wine and wine of kings….or queens! Rose petals, leather, and bright berry fruit are on deck and you deserve it!
You are wild and crazy and we love you for it. But you have some work to do this month. What you are trying to accomplish is going to take some serious nose-to-the-grind days and nights. But here is the good thing. The stars are aligned to give the people around you time to help you on your journey. So you’re stoked because you may just get it done ahead of schedule. Whistle while you work and reward your crew with nice cold pilsner. Whether you are sweating for real or sweating that gray matter, sitting around with your people gazing at your accomplishments will be hella satisfying.
Tonight, go outside and look up at the moon and give a good howl. JK, don’t howl unless you really want to. That moon you are staring at has complete control over you once the solar eclipse has passed. You are continuing your transition month and March has great results for you, but some challenges in the middle with finances and business. You are in a good spot now so utilize this positive energy all month long and you’ll come out on top. Nothing keeps the positive vibes going as the warm weather sets in like a bright buoyant Beaujolais from the Gamay grape coming from just south of Burgundy. Vibrant, cherry fruit with notes of violet and herbs, chill it down a bit in the fridge and sip up the cool bright positivity.
Enjoy your new dating life! Looks like this month is about socialization and love interests. You have goals and you are driven but March is about putting all that on auto pilot and letting the love in. And I’m not talking about a Tinder swipe. This is a pure, organic, real-world, old-school type of connection. And it’s going to happen all month. You might get a bit dizzy with it all, but man, will it boost your confidence. All this just in time for spring. You’ll be going out a lot so keep the budget tight when you’re out and about and stay away from red wine this month. Go for the crisp lemony roundness of the native Austrian Gruner Veltliner. It is crazy affordable and can be found in a lot of wine bars these days. It has a low-alcohol content so you can keep your wits about you. Have fun and keep an open mind!
You’ve been on a lucky streak! And it doesn’t look like it’s letting up anytime soon. The solar eclipse will give you an alert mind this month, more so than usual. You’ll experience more physical energy than usual as well, so maybe some wilderness time is in your future. Or maybe just the park. Speaking of parks, gather some friends and have a picnic and engage in meaningful conversation about the things you’re passionate about. This is the month to get your thoughts across clearly. And you never know — that special someone could be on that lawn with you. This is your month for rosé. Pink, bright, refreshing wine and it doesn’t matter where it is from. Buy a few, because if all goes well, you’ll be talking into the night.