“Tapping Into Culture” is a bi-weekly video series on Beer and Culture, presented by Sixpoint and VinePair. Check out more episodes in the series here.
In Episode 7 of “Tapping Into Culture,” host and VinePair senior editor Cat Wolinski and Sixpoint’s Max Finnance sit down with Mandy Naglich, Advanced Cicerone, founder of Beers With Mandy, and VinePair’s homebrew columnist, to discuss summertime beers.
The three showcase Apollo Beer, a kristalweizen brewed by Sixpoint, as one of the best low-ABV beers for the summer. The German-style wheat beer is adored by fans due to its approachable nature. Listeners will also learn the difference between American and German wheat beer styles, including that while American ale yeast creates a clean, hop-forward wheat beer, German wheat beer presents a hazy, yeast-forward flavor profile.
Wolinski, Finnance, and Naglich also discuss the science behind yeast-flavored beer styles, explaining how yeast creates phenols, which can create spicy, clove-like aromas; and esters, which produce fruity aromas during fermentation. Further, Naglich notes that yeast produces different alcohol flavors depending on fermentation temperatures.
The three also predict the trends beer lovers can expect to see this summer: Finnance anticipates the rise of saisons, Naglich spotlights black rice lagers, and Wolinski sees hard seltzer continuing its reign as the top drink of the summer.
To learn more about Sixpoint’s program “Beer is Culture,” visit sixpoint.com/beerisculture.
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