I have a new hero and her name is Kimmy Schmidt. Kimmy, the protagonist of Netflix’s latest original series, the Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, is an doomsday cult escapee, who, along with her fellow victims, has been dubbed an “Indiana Mole Woman.” The series’ first season, which premiered last month, chronicles Kimmy’s decision to stay in New York City after her escape.
Kimmy Schmidt is amazing because it shares the weird, off-kilter sense of humor 30 Rock, perhaps one of my all-time favorite shows, a signature of both shows’ creator, Tina Fey. However, what sets Kimmy Schmidt apart from 30 Rock’s protagonist, Liz Lemon, is that Kimmy is exactly as the show’s title suggests: unbreakable. Somehow, a show about a sheltered woman-child who spent fifteen years in a bunker underground is remarkably inspiring and uplifting. Kimmy’s unflappable positivity and cheerfulness are infectious. I’m not ashamed to admit that I watched all thirteen episodes in one lazy Saturday afternoon. It should come as no surprise then, that I suggest a bright rosé to accompany any viewing party of Kimmy.
With warm weather finally upon us, that means that rosé is about to be back in a big, big way. The unofficial wine of summer, a cold glass of rosé offers a crisp, refreshing option to drinkers. Although rosé is only now exploding in popularity, there are a ton of options when it comes to pink wine.
In one of the show’s more viral moments, Titus Andromedon, Kimmy’s roommate and NYC spirit guide, records a rather DIY music video entitled “Peeno Noir.” The song which is ostensibly about wine, has a much more salacious message. However, in keeping with Titus’s predilections, a perfect compromise is a Pinot Noir rosé. This particular rosé varietal is fruity in flavor with a dry acidity. Because it’s not a sweet rosé, it goes nicely with savory dishes like salmon and cheeses.
Rosé is the type of wine that is meant to be consumed outside on a beautiful day. While I can’t say the same about Kimmy Schmidt, both the show and the wine are sure to bring a smile to your face. From the moment that Kimmy Schmidt’s empowering, auto-tuned theme song starts to play or when you uncork a bottle of Pinot Noir rosé, you can be certain that something fun is ahead.
Header image via Netflix