After publishing our guide to America’s most popular beers, many people asked us to take a look at the rest of the world. Our curiosity piqued, we set out to find every country in the world’s most popular beer. The map below brings together dozens of sources, from research reports to corporate filings, to reveal the most popular beers in over 100 countries. As you can see, the beer brands of the world are as diverse as our planet itself — though a handful of massive multinational brewers own a staggering number of these brands, which we’ll be exploring in the future.

Note: The most popular beer by market share for each country is based upon the most recent year available. If recent data was inconclusive or unavailable, the country was not included on the map.
Ed. Note on North America: Although Anheuser-Busch InBev still markets Budweiser as “the King of Beers,” in the U.S. Bud Light outsells Budweiser by a wide margin. Ironically, in Canada, where the company owns iconic local brand Labatt, the company has sold more Budweiser than any other brand for nearly a decade. In 2012, the Toronto Star published the article “‘Sniff of death’ taints iconic beer brands,” which provides analysis on how Budweiser came to be the best-selling beer in Canada.
Ed. Note on Ukraine: The map has been updated to reflect that Ukraine’s best selling beer is Chernigivske.