Rating 92 2021 Top 50  
Style White
Vintage 2018
Sonoma County
North Coast
ABV 14.1%
Price $65.00  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
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Review Updated 2021-11-17

Perfect For

Relaxing After Work, Sipping Without Food, Treat Yo'self

Drink If You Like

Chardonnay, Chenin Blanc , Greco Bianco

Trombetta Family Wines Gap's Crown Vineyard Chardonnay 2018 Review

This is a great American Chardonnay. It has all the old school vibes, with the smells of fancy French bistro butter and a freshly-sliced vanilla bean and granola vibe. The palate is crazy balanced for all the depth it gives. I’m thinking just sip this one. Maybe pair it with some cheeses, but this has a drink-on-its-own quality to it.

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Trombetta Family Wines Gap's Crown Vineyard Chardonnay 2018
This is a great American Chardonnay. It has all the old school vibes, with the smells of fancy French bistro butter and a freshly-sliced vanilla bean and granola vibe. The palate is crazy balanced for all the depth it gives. I’m thinking just sip this one. Maybe pair it with some cheeses, but this has a drink-on-its-own quality to it.

Reviewed On: 06-11-2021
Trombetta Family Wines Gap's Crown Vineyard Chardonnay 2018
This is a great American Chardonnay. It has all the old school vibes, with the smells of fancy French bistro butter and a freshly-sliced vanilla bean and granola vibe. The palate is crazy balanced for all the depth it gives. I’m thinking just sip this one. Maybe pair it with some cheeses, but this has a drink-on-its-own quality to it.

Reviewed On: 06-11-2021