Rating 91 2020 Top 50  
Style Red
Vintage 2018
San Luis Obispo County
Central Coast
ABV 14.3%
Price $36.00  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
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Review Updated 2020-11-23

Perfect For

Cooking And Sipping, Dinner Parties, Weekday Dinner Pairings

Drink If You Like

Barbera, Merlot , Pinot Noir

Eberle Barbera 2018 Review

This wine is awesome, straight up. It has such a soft, deep, fruit core with subtle tannins. It has an earthiness to it and smells like fresh soil and cherries. This is one hell of an American wine, made from an Italian grape, for an Italian American pasta night. A simple spaghetti and red sauce with some meatballs and crusty garlic bread is in order here.

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Eberle Barbera 2018
This wine is awesome, straight up. It has such a soft, deep, fruit core with subtle tannins. It has an earthiness to it and smells like fresh soil and cherries. This is one hell of an American wine, made from an Italian grape, for an Italian American pasta night. A simple spaghetti and red sauce with some meatballs and crusty garlic bread is in order here.

Reviewed On: 10-06-2020
Eberle Barbera 2018
This wine is awesome, straight up. It has such a soft, deep, fruit core with subtle tannins. It has an earthiness to it and smells like fresh soil and cherries. This is one hell of an American wine, made from an Italian grape, for an Italian American pasta night. A simple spaghetti and red sauce with some meatballs and crusty garlic bread is in order here.

Reviewed On: 10-06-2020