The Story Behind The Rosemary-Smoked Negroni

The Negroni is a classic cocktail that splits the world in two. On one side, it is way too bitter for the average Joe or Jane unaccustomed to amaro cocktails. On the other hand, there are the hardened imbibers who find the balance between sweet vermouth, bitter Campari, and floral gin absolutely perfect.

In this Negroni, I added an additional sensory element with the essence of smoke and rosemary. To garnish your cocktail with this savory, aromatic note, simply smoke a sprig of rosemary with a kitchen torch or lighter before garnishing your drink.


  • 1 ounce Campari
  • 1 ounce sweet vermouth
  • 1 ounce London Dry gin
  • 1 rosemary sprig


  1. Combine all ingredients in a mixing glass with ice.
  2. Stir gently to chill and combine.
  3. Strain into a rocks glass over fresh ice.
  4. Garnish with rosemary sprig. Enjoy!

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Updated: 2018-06-04

The Rosemary-Smoked Negroni Recipe