We’ve all been there: you come home after a vacation and realize you’re down a pair of socks or an iPhone charger. Even after triple-checking the hotel room before heading out, it’s possible to let an item left under the bed or next to the sink slip through the cracks. Hotel staff members, especially those in housekeeping, are no stranger to uncovering these forgotten artifacts once their owners have flown the coop.

But sometimes, guests abandon more important and, shall we say, interesting oddities in the mad dash to catch their flights out. And whether these belongings were left behind by accident or with intention, it’s the hotel staff that’s left to deal with the mess — or, worst-case, the crime scene. To uncover some of the most bizarre things discovered in hotel rooms, we looked to the TalesFromTheFrontDesk subReddit to hear from hotel staff.

A Parrot and Chinchilla

In terms of harmless belongings to leave behind, a piece of clothing is pretty mild: they’re usually small, and they’re always motionless. Living, breathing animals, though, are another story — especially one as noisy as a parrot or as expensive (and adorable) as a chinchilla.

byu/LuvihotelFD from discussion

100 Hotel Coffee Cups

Everybody loves free stuff, and complimentary coffee cups are a typical amenity in your average hotel lobby. But when you’re hoarding dozens of them in your own room like a doomsday prepper, one might question what the hell your intentions are — or how caffeinated you’re getting when you’re not chilling out on vacation.

byu/LuvihotelFD from discussion

A 6-Foot-Long Boa Constrictor

Here we go again with the animals. Whether this guest brought their snake from home or picked one up while on vacation, it’s a shame they never came back to claim the boa. Poor snake.

byu/LuvihotelFD from discussion

A Massive Bag of Meth

Drugs are expensive — so why would someone leave their stash behind? Whatever the reason, we know the TSA wouldn’t take too kindly to a big ol’ bag of meth.

byu/LuvihotelFD from discussion

A Rotten Kangaroo Tail and Coconuts

Admittedly, the tail and bunch of coconuts were discovered on separate occasions, but that doesn’t diminish the absurdity of either.

byu/LuvihotelFD from discussion

An XL Sex Toy

We can’t say we didn’t see this one coming. Trips can be for business or pleasure, or perhaps a little bit of both. The particularly unfortunate part of this discovery: a hotel guest found it before the staff did.

byu/LuvihotelFD from discussion

Guns, a Body, and $60K in Cash

Some hotel rooms are left looking like metaphorical crime scenes, and some actually become crime scenes. That said, if the fast life is the one you choose, save the poor hotel staff the trauma of walking in on the aftermath of your nefarious activities.

byu/LuvihotelFD from discussion

Bear Mace

Bears don’t often come stumbling through a hotel lobby. Hell, even if they did, the chances of them making it into a guest’s room are pretty slim. Regardless, for those wary about intruders, regular mace ought to do the trick.

byu/LuvihotelFD from discussion