“Guardians of the Galaxy” fans can now cheers with a beer named for their favorite superhero, Groot. The newest release from Breckenridge Brewery, “I am Brewt” is a Bohemian-style pilsner and a play on the main character’s phrase “I am Groot.” It will debut at a beer release party on June 2, just in time for Denver’s annual Comic Con event.
As the Denver Post reports, the new brew will be available at various locations near the Colorado Convention Center, where the event is held. The beer will come served in special pint glasses crafted specially for the brew.
Denver Comic Con describes the pilsner as “delicate and well-balanced, light yet complex. Saaz hops, a classic pilsner ingredient, impart a pleasant, earthy aroma while giving spicy flavor characteristics and a crisp, dry finish.”
The Denver Post also reports that Rhiana Elizabeth Henry, who provided the winning entry in the beer-naming contest for this particular brew, will receive free beer for a year from Breckenridge, as well as a Denver Comic Con beer tap.
We’ll put on our thinking caps for free beer and taps any day.