Whether you love them or love to hate them, high-profile celebrity relationships are enticing. And while they may not always last, they certainly keep us interested — especially ones famous enough to earn their very own celebrity couple nicknames. Similar to the Brangelinas of the world, some of the most recognizable names in wine are actually portmanteaus.

That’s because many wines are actually the offspring of famous grape parents, including Cabernet Sauvignon, the ruling grape in notable regions such as Bordeaux and Napa. Though it’s arguably the most well-known wine in America, it wouldn’t exist if not for its famed parents, Cabernet Franc and Sauvignon Blanc.

The full family tree of Vitis vinifera is ever-changing, extensive, and filled with both famous and not-so-famous varieties. But just as is the case with celebrities, having one not-so-famous parent doesn’t necessarily lower your celeb appeal. Merlot, for example, the juicy red world famous for its starring role in Bordeaux and other blends, is the offspring of the esteemed Cabernet Franc and the lesser-known Magdeleine Noire des Charentes grape.

Star quality, influence, and charm are all the makings of a good celebrity wine grape couple. Whether you prefer red or white, you may be surprised to find that many of your favorites have famous parents. Read on to learn about the famous progeny of celebrity grapes.

A Visual Guide to Wine's 'Celebrity Couple' Grapes [Infographic]