For all the pulling power of labels like Whispering Angel and Hampton Water, rosé — the category — also feels like a standalone brand. Who’s to say how many times the words “I’ll just have your rosé” are uttered in bars and restaurants every day, but seldom do producers and provenance factor heavily in the equation. If it’s cold and pink, and the clock reads… well, anytime of day, really, it seems most wine drinkers are content to say “yes way” to rosé.
Still, for all its ubiquity, rosé tends to trend stronger in some areas of the country than others, as shown by data shared with VinePair by the international insights firm Nielsen. Based on off-premise rosé sales as a percentage of all retail wine sales in each state, VinePair mapped the popularity of the pink wine across the nation
The results paint an interesting, and in some cases unexpected, picture. Despite being home to the Hamptons, an area that’s become synonymous with rosé consumption, New York only ranks fourth overall. And in the three states that place above it — Oregon, Colorado, and Washington — rosé accounts for barely over 5 percent of total wine sales. A sign, perhaps, that most wine lovers still see it as a predominantly summer style. Meanwhile, the less said about Kansas and Mississippi’s thirst for rosé, the better.
Check out the full results in the map below to see how your state fares among rosé’s fan base.
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