Favored for its straightforward approach and with locations in 39 states, Aldi is set to become the country’s third-largest grocery retailer by the end of the year.

At the chain’s 2,000-plus locations, shoppers can browse an assortment of fresh produce, seasonal products, and gourmet treats, in addition to standard grocery staples. Aldi offers an extensive selection of store brand products, as more than 90 percent of its SKUs are private label. And according to the brand, one in three Aldi-exclusive items are award-winning, to boot.

The brand’s budget-friendly Winking Owl Wine collection and an inexpensive assortment of global vino can’t hurt, either.

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While the chain has origins in Germany, the first stateside Aldi location opened in Iowa in 1976. Today, the chain has thousands of locations in the United States alone.

Aldi’s discount-focused strategy aims to keep labor costs low by shelving products in original shipping boxes, incentivizing customers to return their own grocery carts, and avoiding supplemental in-store services. You won’t find bank services or pharmacies at Aldi locations — just grocery deals, and lots of ‘em.

Keep reading to discover how many Aldis are located in your home state.

This Map Shows The Number of Aldi Supermarkets In Every State


The Number of Aldi Locations by State

State Number of Aldi Supermarkets
Alabama 41
Alaska 0
Arizona 9
Arkansas 11
California 95
Colorado 0
Connecticut 31
Delaware 8
Florida 204
Georgia 75
Hawaii 0
Idaho 0
Illinois 211
Indiana 82
Iowa 37
Kansas 29
Kentucky 23
Louisiana 7
Maine 0
Maryland 62
Massachusetts 19
Michigan 98
Minnesota 76
Mississippi 9
Missouri 93
Montana 0
Nebraska 11
Nevada 0
New Hampshire 9
New Mexico 0
New Jersey 61
New York 123
North Carolina 91
North Dakota 3
Ohio 154
Oklahoma 31
Oregon 0
Pennsylvania 146
Rhode Island 9
South Carolina 48
South Dakota 5
Utah 0
Tennessee 56
Texas 127
Vermont 3
Virginia 73
Washington 0
Washington D.C. 1
West Virginia 17
Wisconsin 81
Wyoming 0