There is no denying that the real “King Of Beers” is the mighty IPA. As craft beer continues to eat macro-beer’s market share, one style, and one style alone, reigns above all others – the IPA. There are literally thousands of IPA options to choose from at this point, from breweries across the country. And every state has their favorite. So we scraped data from RateBeer to determine the top IPA in every state. In order to qualify, the beer had to have at least 50 ratings, and score above 50. As you’ll see below, two states sadly didn’t make the cut…

Here are the winners, by state…
State | Beer |
Alabama | Straight To Ale Monkeynaut IPA |
Alaska | Anchorage Galaxy White IPA |
Arizona | Arizona Wilderness Refuge IPA |
California | AleSmith IPA |
Colorado | Oskar Blues Deviant Dale’s India Pale Ale |
Connecticut | The Cambridge House Abijah Rowe IPA |
Delaware | Dogfish Head 75 Minute IPA |
District of Columbia | DC Brau The Corruption |
Florida | Cigar City Humidor Series India Pale Ale |
Georgia | Creature Comforts Tropicália |
Hawaii | Maui Brewing Big Swell IPA |
Idaho | Sockeye Dagger Falls IPA |
Illinois | Revolution Citra Hero IPA |
Indiana | Three Floyds BrooDoo |
Iowa | Toppling Goliath Pompeii IPA |
Kansas | Tallgrass Ethos IPA |
Kentucky | Against the Grain Rico Sauvin |
Louisiana | Abita Wrought Iron IPA |
Maine | Maine Beer Another One |
Maryland | Flying Dog Raging Bitch |
Massachusetts | Tree House Alter Ego |
Michigan | Bells Two Hearted Ale |
Minnesota | Surly / Amager Todd – The Axe Man (Surly Version) |
Mississippi | Lazy Magnolia Southern Hops’pitality |
Missouri | Schlafly Tasmanian IPA (TIPA) |
Montana | Big Sky IPA |
Nebraska | Nebraska India Pale Ale |
Nevada | Tenaya Creek Hop Ride IPA |
New Hampshire | Stoneface IPA |
New Jersey | Kane Head High |
New Mexico | La Cumbre Elevated IPA |
New York | Evil Twin Femme Fatale Yuzu Pale |
North Carolina | Wicked Weed Pernicious IPA |
North Dakota | Fargo Wood Chipper IPA |
Ohio | Fat Head’s Head Hunter IPA |
Oklahoma | COOP Ale Works F5 IPA |
Oregon | Barley Browns Pallet Jack IPA |
Pennsylvania | Tired Hands We Are All Infinite Energy Vibrating at the Same Frequency |
Rhode Island | Trinity Rhode Island IPA |
South Carolina | Westbrook India Pale Ale |
South Dakota | Crow Peak Eleventh Hour IPA |
Tennessee | Rock Bottom American Dream IPA |
Texas | Lone Pint Yellow Rose |
Utah | Epic Brainless IPA |
Vermont | Alchemist Focal Banger |
Virginia | Hardywood The Great Return |
Washington | Bale Breaker Topcutter IPA |
Wisconsin | Ale Asylum Bedlam! |
Wyoming | Snake River Pako’s IPA |