If you are in a part of the country where you can purchase wine at your local grocery store, consider yourself #blessed, as the rest of us go 20 minutes out of the way to our local wine shop. If convenience isn’t enough of a reason to lightly place a few bottles of wine into your shopping cart full of snacks and shampoo, look no further. We’ve got 14 more reasons for you to treat yo’ self while strolling down the aisles of your grocer.
1. Wine. Wednesday.
2. Something has to go with the pizza you’re ordering instead of actually cooking.
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3. Your boss has pushed you to the limit.
4. Candidates for this upcoming election are multiplying day by day.
5. Because it’s time to celebrate you getting out of bed today.
6. Summer has begun and the kids are home from school…do I need to say more?
7. You skipped the office donuts this week and you have to make up for that missed opportunity.
8. “Where are my grandchildren? You’re not getting younger!”
9. Your favorite show just ended…
10. …or you can’t handle the new episodes of your other favorite show.
11. The universe has brought you things that coffee couldn’t fix.
12. It’s supposed to rain this weekend.
We can only hope for a 90% chance of Rose if you know what we mean.
13. You passed on putting the endless supply of Pringles in your cart.
14. Did you look in the mirror this morning? Who’s in charge? We all know you deserve it.
So what are you waiting for? Play some grocery store Tetris and find a spot for the wine you desire.