Rating 91
Style White
Vintage 2019
Sonoma County
North Coast
ABV 14%
Price $30.00  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
Reviewed By
Review Updated 2020-11-23

Perfect For

Picnics In The Park, Taco Tuesday, Treat Yo'self

Drink If You Like

Chardonnay, Pinot Gris / Grigio , Sauvignon Blanc

Stonestreet Estate Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc 2019 Review

Lean and grippy with great balance, this is an awesome example of how Cali does Savvy B. It smells like honeysuckle flowers and a squeeze of lime with some sea salt. You could just chill with this wine, but a goat cheese and walnut salad with peppery arugula would shine with this bottle.

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Stonestreet Estate Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc 2019
Lean and grippy with great balance, this is an awesome example of how Cali does Savvy B. It smells like honeysuckle flowers and a squeeze of lime with some sea salt. You could just chill with this wine, but a goat cheese and walnut salad with peppery arugula would shine with this bottle.

Reviewed On: 10-20-2020
Stonestreet Estate Vineyards Sauvignon Blanc 2019
Lean and grippy with great balance, this is an awesome example of how Cali does Savvy B. It smells like honeysuckle flowers and a squeeze of lime with some sea salt. You could just chill with this wine, but a goat cheese and walnut salad with peppery arugula would shine with this bottle.

Reviewed On: 10-20-2020