Rating 89
Style Sparkling White
Vintage NV
ABV 11%
Price $17.00 Value Pick  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
Reviewed By
Reviewed 2023-02-14

Perfect For

Impressing On A Budget, Pleasing A Crowd, Popping Bottles

Drink If You Like

Chenin Blanc, Glera , Riesling

Bianca Vigna Prosecco Brut NV Review

Focused with chalky hints of pears and a delightful minerality running through, this is an excellent example of a DOC Prosecco. The palate shows very balanced fruit paired with a refreshing mouthfeel and grippy bubbles.

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Bianca Vigna Prosecco Brut NV
Focused with chalky hints of pears and a delightful minerality running through, this is an excellent example of a DOC Prosecco. The palate shows very balanced fruit paired with a refreshing mouthfeel and grippy bubbles.

Reviewed On: 02-14-2023
Bianca Vigna Prosecco Brut NV
Focused with chalky hints of pears and a delightful minerality running through, this is an excellent example of a DOC Prosecco. The palate shows very balanced fruit paired with a refreshing mouthfeel and grippy bubbles.

Reviewed On: 02-14-2023