Rating 93
Style Double IPA, IPA
Produced In Stowe, Vt.
United States
ABV 8%
Availability Year Round
Reviewed By
Review Updated 2022-08-09

Perfect For

Dinner Parties, Impressing On A Budget, Treat Yo'self

Alchemist Brewing Heady Topper Review

Cracking open a can of Heady Topper is like taking a quick plunge into a dank basement where a live band is playing, and simultaneously stepping outside for a smoke break in a forest on a cold winter night. Pine, earth, herbs, and a little citrus swirl in an aromatic haze, then land on the palate in a moment of clarity: hops. It's all about the hops. Flavors such as citrus, thyme, and forest funk continue transporting you to another time and place.

Alchemist Brewing Heady Topper Pros And Cons

  • A historic, pioneering American craft beer
  • Complex aromatic profile
  • Great for IPA and hops lovers
  • Higher ABV calls for a slower sipping
  • Not widely distributed

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Alchemist Brewing Heady Topper
Cracking open a can of Heady Topper is like taking a quick plunge into a dank basement where a live band is playing, and simultaneously stepping outside for a smoke break in a forest on a cold winter night. Pine, earth, herbs, and a little citrus swirl in an aromatic haze, then land on the palate in a moment of clarity: hops. It's all about the hops. Flavors such as citrus, thyme, and forest funk continue transporting you to another time and place.

Reviewed On: 12-27-2020
Alchemist Brewing Heady Topper
Cracking open a can of Heady Topper is like taking a quick plunge into a dank basement where a live band is playing, and simultaneously stepping outside for a smoke break in a forest on a cold winter night. Pine, earth, herbs, and a little citrus swirl in an aromatic haze, then land on the palate in a moment of clarity: hops. It's all about the hops. Flavors such as citrus, thyme, and forest funk continue transporting you to another time and place.

Reviewed On: 12-27-2020