Pomegranates, also known as “winter jewels,” are beloved for their bold, tart flavor. When combined with Tanqueray No. Ten Gin, the result is juicy and botanical, while a healthy Champagne topping really makes this jewel sparkle. It’s the perfect drink to toast with as you ring in the new year.
1 ½ ounces Tanqueray No. Ten Gin
1 ounce pomegranate juice
½ ounce simple syrup
Champagne (chilled, to top off)
Pomegranate seeds to garnish (optional)
Combine gin, pomegranate juice, and simple syrup in a mixing glass or cocktail shaker with ice.
Stir until thoroughly chilled and strain into a Champagne flute or coupe glass.
Top with chilled Champagne and drop in 2-3 pomegranate seeds to garnish (optional).