Have you ever looked at a water fountain and thought, “hey, that would be so much cooler and more useful if it spit out wine instead of water”? Haven’t we all.
Luckily there are some doers out there for all of us dreamers. On October 9, a fountain in Abruzzo, Italy, opened up that releases locally produced red wine all day, every day. Too good to be true? It gets better. The Fontana del Vino costs just as much to use as a boring old water fountain (it’s free).
The world’s best fountain sits along a popular pilgrimage route called the Cammino di San Tommaso in Caldari di Ortona, The Local reports. The Cammino di San Tommaso is the path from Rome to the cathedral that holds the bones of Jesus’s disciple Thomas.
The flowing fountain of joy was inspired by a similar fountain in Spain called the Camino de Santiago.
Before you rush to any travel sites, the Dora Sarchese vineyard that set it up wants you to know a few things. First off, “the wine fountain is a welcome, the wine fountain is poetry,” the vineyard put on their Facebook page. Second, the fountain isn’t for drunkards or louts. Third, this isn’t just a publicity stunt (and even if it was, is anyone really complaining?).
An oversized barrel houses the fountain, and Facebook photos show how all it takes is the push of a button to get a taste. There’s no word on which wine is fed through the tap, but it’s in the middle of Montepulciano territory.
Read enough and ready to get there already? Here’s the exact location, and one-way flights from New York City run just over $1,500 and take more than 13 hours. You have to make the trip yourself to figure out how long the line is from there.