In the latest in opulent vodka options, Russian spirits producer, the Ladoga Group recently announced the launch of a €1,600 ($1,865) vodka encased in a golden Fabergé egg. The duty-free dome will make its big debut at the Tax Free World Association (TFWA) conference in Cannes in October, the Drinks Business reports.
Allegedly, the vodka’s recipe originates in 1721, when it was created to impress Russian Tsar Peter the Great. The 12-times-distilled royal Russian vodka is made using wheat and rye from central and southern Russia, and water from Ladoga Lake, the largest freshwater lake in Europe.
Encased in the egg are a 75-cl decanter of Imperial Collection Vodka with four Venetian glasses. Its resplendent shell “is made of metal alloy enrobed in gold enamel and decorated with 24-carat gold gilding and blue, red and green crystals,” the Drinks Business reports.
Sound ridiculous? The Ladoga Group will have the last laugh—the company is currently the best-selling vodka brand in Russian airports, and expects its success to roll through airports worldwide.
“Every element of our Imperial Collection Fabergé range is unique and presents a special opportunity for the global travel retail market,” Ruslan Grigoryev, export director for The Ladoga Group, said. “There is a huge appetite for premium and super premium vodka within the global travel retail market and we are looking to capitalize on this trend with our unique portfolio and recipes developed almost 300 years ago.”
We’re all about historical drinking, especially when crazy bottles are involved. If we ever see someone buying this in an airport, we’re following them home.