Pabst Blue Ribbon, the light lager brand affectionately known to most of us as PBR, is coming for folks with higher tolerance. This spring will see the launch of Pabst Blue Ribbon Extra, a boozier version of PBR.

PBR Extra weighs in at 6.5 percent ABV, compared to PBR’s 4.7 percent. It comes in a slick black can, and claims to be as light and crisp as the original, Beer Street Journal reports.

Last year, PBR also announced a non-alcoholic version of its classic recipe, Pabst Blue Ribbon Non-Alc, and launched PBR Easy, a lower-cal, lower-ABV version of the original brew.

And last but certainly not least, in March 2019, Pabst announced its own PBR Whiskey set to launch this summer.

This all comes in the wake of a lawsuit last year, when Pabst sued MillerCoors, claiming the latter brewer would put Pabst out of business. The suit was settled in November. Is PBR making a comeback, or reaching for straws? Will all these new products taste good through straws? Only time, and a few taste tests, will tell.