A restaurant will almost never tell you what type of plate your food will arrive on. When it comes to cocktails, it’s a different story. While it may be petty, people have strong opinions on glassware, and while cocktails should always taste good and look nice, they’re also an accessory for the drinker, and can be considered a part of their identity in that moment. As such, some people can get a little upright when the drink they thought was going to arrive in a rocks glass shows up in a Champagne flute adorned with an edible flower.

So should restaurants and bars give customers a heads up on glassware, or is that a waste of valuable menu real estate? And if it is, what should that space be used for? A list of ingredients? A cocktail’s ABV? With so many potential descriptors making the cut, it’s imperative to consider what factors guests look at when it comes time to order a drink.

After briefly discussing a recent New York Times piece about gendered preferences in glassware, Joanna and Zach speculate on what information a cocktail menu should convey to guests, and how cocktails should be organized to put drinkers in an optimal setting to enjoy their experience. Tune in for more.

Zach is drinking: Montucky Cold Snack

Joanna is drinking: Finback Brewing Yellow Cake IPA

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