The beauty of pizza (let’s be honest, there’s a whole lot of beauty in pizza) is that it’s basically a blank slate when it comes to wine pairings. There are very few wines that won’t accommodate charred crust, melty cheese and zingy tomato sauce. The fun comes when taking into consideration the toppings, which can steer pairings in a slew of different red/white/bubbly directions.
Cavit is not only one of Italy’s largest wineries but also the No. 1 Italian Wine Brand in America* and its Pinot Grigio is as much a staple in America’s culinary culture as pizza itself. Cavit wines have been the bottle of choice for those in the know for decades. And even as Cavit’s wide range of wines has evolved, they remain high-quality, approachable and food-friendly. Today, Cavit truly makes a wine for every pizza.
And now Cavit’s giving pizza and wine lovers a chance to prove their dough-tossing, cheese-topping, wine-pairing prowess with a pizza oven giveaway. Submit your favorite pizza recipe — and name the Cavit wine you drink with it — for a chance to win your very own countertop pizza oven (flour-dusted apron not included). With one of these ovens in your possession, you will be a bonafide pizzaiolo. Let your inner somm skills shine by adding a bottle of Cavit to the table.
It’s as easy as, well, pie to enter: Head over to the Cavit registration page, choose a name for your creation, upload a photo, list the ingredients, type up the instructions, and select the best wine for pairing with your entry. Some nice natural light and a good cheese pull for the photo op never hurt anyone.
With Cavit you can’t really go wrong in terms of pairings, but there are a few that can turn that pizza and glass of wine into a match made in heaven, making the toughest decision you’re left with whether or not to have another slice. (Hint: The answer is always to have another slice).
Here are a few of our faves to get you started:
This article is sponsored by Cavit.
No purchase necessary. Must be 21 or older to enter. Void where prohibited. Not valid in UT or HI. Begins 1/1/20 and ends 3/31/20. ERV of the prize $1,300.00. For official rules and alternate method of entry, visit cavit.com/pizza.
*Nielsen XAOC+Liquor, 52 wks ending 1.25.20