“Tapping Into Culture” is a bi-weekly video series on Beer and Culture, presented by Sixpoint and VinePair. Check out more episodes in the series here.
In Episode 5 of “Tapping Into Culture,” host and VinePair senior editor Cat Wolinski and Sixpoint’s Max Finnance sit down with a very special guest, Averie Swanson, a Master Cicerone and founder of Keeping Together Beer to discuss all things sour beer.
Swanson defines sour beer as a flavor profile in which acidity and tartness are front and center. The three discuss the differences between sour beers, such as Gose and Gueuze, two very similar-sounding sour styles with very different origins and production.
Sour beer is often seen as a gateway beer for wine drinkers. Swanson explains that there is an interesting overlap between wine and sour beers. The two share high-acidity flavor profiles, as well as other characteristics that encourage pairing with food.
Swanson also discusses the state of Keeping Together, specifically distribution plans for her mixed-culture saisons that are not sour beers. She explains why they will likely not be found in grocery stores — because they require an explanation, and the story behind the beer can only be found in a communal setting, such as small retail stores.
Finally, Averie and Max share their favorite sour beers in the market including Westbrook Gose, Anderson Valley Gose, and Victory’s Sour Monkey.
Breweries and beer drinkers interested in supporting Keeping it Together beer can learn more about it here: https://www.keepingtogether.com/
To learn more about Sixpoint’s program “Beer is Culture,” visit sixpoint.com/beerisculture.
Special promo for VinePair viewers – use code VINEPAIR15 for 15% off at Sixpoint’s beer garden or delivery in New York State! Check out the shop here!