“Tapping Into Culture” is a bi-weekly video series on beer and culture, presented by Sixpoint and VinePair. Check out more episodes in the series here.
In Episode 10 of “Tapping Into Culture,” host and VinePair senior editor Cat Wolinski and Sixpoint’s Max Finnance sit down with Brandon Montgomery, creator of Black Beer Travelers, to discuss American craft beer.
The trio begins by discussing the American influence on craft beer. Finnance explains that almost all the beer styles we drink today are rooted in European tradition. However, the roles have now reversed: International producers are looking to American brewers for tips and inspiration. In addition, craft beer is now seen as an American export.
For example, if you go to the U.K. and ask for a local IPA, chances are the beer is a New England-style IPA. Montgomery points to globalization and social media as the catalysts for collaboration and innovation. While Montgomery has been involved in the craft beer industry for a decade, he says, he has witnessed the transfer of classic, locally produced beer styles into more experimental kettle sours and smoothie-IPAs.
Listeners will learn of Montgomery’s introduction to craft beer, which involved drinking his first Delirium, a Belgian strong ale in Tokyo. Yet, Montgomery says that craft beer should be more accessible in the U.S. through local breweries and organizations. Finally, Finnance points out international trends on the rise, such as the Japanese Rice Lager catching on here in the states, and a booming Brazilian beer scene.
To learn more about Sixpoint’s program “Beer is Culture,” visit sixpoint.com/beerisculture.
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