Rating 88
Style White
Vintage 2018
ABV 13%
Price $15.00 Value Pick  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
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Review Updated 2020-03-03

Perfect For

Impressing On A Budget, Party Wine, Pleasing A Crowd

Drink If You Like

Melon de Bourgogne, Pinot Blanc , Pinot Gris / Grigio

Zenato Lugana di San Benedetto Bianco 2018 Review

For an uncomplicated white wine for a large gathering this wine works really well. It’s dry and crisp with no oak, and some fruit aromas like pear and green apples. It’s balanced, will pair with the Hors d'oeuvres, and your guests will enjoy the easy drinking; and you will too.

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Zenato Lugana di San Benedetto Bianco 2018
For an uncomplicated white wine for a large gathering this wine works really well. It’s dry and crisp with no oak, and some fruit aromas like pear and green apples. It’s balanced, will pair with the Hors d'oeuvres, and your guests will enjoy the easy drinking; and you will too.

Reviewed On: 10-11-2019
Zenato Lugana di San Benedetto Bianco 2018
For an uncomplicated white wine for a large gathering this wine works really well. It’s dry and crisp with no oak, and some fruit aromas like pear and green apples. It’s balanced, will pair with the Hors d'oeuvres, and your guests will enjoy the easy drinking; and you will too.

Reviewed On: 10-11-2019