Rating 82
Style White
Vintage 2015
Castilla y León
ABV 12.5%
Price $14.00  Buy This Wine
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Review Updated 2018-01-11

Perfect For

Cooking And Sipping, Relaxing After Work

Drink If You Like

Pinot Gris / Grigio

Rueda 2015 Review

Mellow and straightforward, this is a wine for Pinot Grigio lovers that want to dip their toes into something new while taking comfort in familiar tastes. It has subtle red and yellow apple, a hint of lime zest, and a definitive rockiness. Easy-drinking and value-oriented, but uninteresting.

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Rueda 2015
Mellow and straightforward, this is a wine for Pinot Grigio lovers that want to dip their toes into something new while taking comfort in familiar tastes. It has subtle red and yellow apple, a hint of lime zest, and a definitive rockiness. Easy-drinking and value-oriented, but uninteresting.

Reviewed On: 07-05-2017
Rueda 2015
Mellow and straightforward, this is a wine for Pinot Grigio lovers that want to dip their toes into something new while taking comfort in familiar tastes. It has subtle red and yellow apple, a hint of lime zest, and a definitive rockiness. Easy-drinking and value-oriented, but uninteresting.

Reviewed On: 07-05-2017