Rating 94
Style Sparkling White
Blend , Muscat / Moscato, Petit Manseng
Vintage NV
ABV 12%
Price $32.00  Buy This Wine
Print Shelf Talker
Reviewed By
Reviewed 2020-08-12

Perfect For

Drinking Outside the Lines, Relaxing After Work, Summer Sipping

Drink If You Like

Malvasia, Muscat / Moscato , Pinot Gris / Grigio

Early Mountain Pétillant Naturel NV Review

Sparkling wine with a beer cap? Yes please. This is such a fun wine. It is just frothy enough, with small dancing bubbles playing around on your palate, balancing the earthy sweetness of the wine. It smells like honeysuckle, orange peels, and fresh sliced pears. There’s even some pineapple on the finish. It’s a playful wine, but it is also a seriously well made one.

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Early Mountain Pétillant Naturel NV
Sparkling wine with a beer cap? Yes please. This is such a fun wine. It is just frothy enough, with small dancing bubbles playing around on your palate, balancing the earthy sweetness of the wine. It smells like honeysuckle, orange peels, and fresh sliced pears. There’s even some pineapple on the finish. It’s a playful wine, but it is also a seriously well made one.

Reviewed On: 08-12-2020
Early Mountain Pétillant Naturel NV
Sparkling wine with a beer cap? Yes please. This is such a fun wine. It is just frothy enough, with small dancing bubbles playing around on your palate, balancing the earthy sweetness of the wine. It smells like honeysuckle, orange peels, and fresh sliced pears. There’s even some pineapple on the finish. It’s a playful wine, but it is also a seriously well made one.

Reviewed On: 08-12-2020