Rating 88
Style Mexican Lager
Produced In Kansas City, MO
United States
ABV 5.2%
Availability Spring
Reviewed By
Reviewed 2019-05-07

Boulevard ¡Vamos! Mexican-Style Lager Review

This crowd-pleaser puts in double duty as both a Mexican lager homage, and a tribute to the Kansas City Royals baseball team. It's light-bodied, but bold, with a distinct, grassy hop aroma. The palate has subtle herbal and sweet honey notes.

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Boulevard ¡Vamos! Mexican-Style Lager
This crowd-pleaser puts in double duty as both a Mexican lager homage, and a tribute to the Kansas City Royals baseball team. It's light-bodied, but bold, with a distinct, grassy hop aroma. The palate has subtle herbal and sweet honey notes.

Reviewed On: 05-07-2019
Boulevard ¡Vamos! Mexican-Style Lager
This crowd-pleaser puts in double duty as both a Mexican lager homage, and a tribute to the Kansas City Royals baseball team. It's light-bodied, but bold, with a distinct, grassy hop aroma. The palate has subtle herbal and sweet honey notes.

Reviewed On: 05-07-2019