The Story Behind The Chocolate Bonfire Baileys Cocktail

No autumn is complete without a cozy fire, a big blanket and the ooey-gooey goodness of a s'more — or 3. Fill the graham cracker-shaped void minus the stickiness with this boozy take on a White Russian — complete with Baileys S’mores Irish Cream Liqueur to appease your sweet tooth. 


  • 1 ounce Ketel One Vodka
  • 2 ounce Baileys S’mores
  • 2 ounces coffee liqueur
  • 1 toasted marshmallow garnish


  1. Add Baileys S’mores, Ketel One Vodka and coffee liqueur to a mixing glass. Add ice.
  2. Stir all ingredients and strain into a rocks glass with fresh ice.
  3. Cut a small slice in a marshmallow and place on the side of the glass to garnish.
  4. Use a blow torch or match to toast the top of the marshmallow with a flame.

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Updated: 2022-12-05

Fill the graham cracker-shaped void with this boozy take on a White Russian, complete with Baileys S’mores Irish Cream Liqueur.

This recipe is sponsored by The Bar.