Pabst Blue Ribbon has an escalated position in American popular culture thanks to a reputation for being cheap, average, and widely available. But hipster-friendly, Americana-themed beer isn’t all the company does. As of November 14, 2017, Pabst is also a spirits company thanks to Not Your Father’s Bourbon.

Pabst Brewing Company owns 30 different beer brands, including some recognizable names like Old Milwaukee, Colt 45 Malt Liquor, and Schlitz. It also has owned Small Town Brewery, which makes the popular Not Your Father’s Root Beer brand, in 2010. Pabst is looking to its Small Town Brewery brand to launch its similarly named Not Your Father’s Bourbon, the first spirit to debut under the Not Your Father’s lineup.

Not Your Father’s Bourbon is 43 percent alcohol by volume, and is flavored with a touch of Madagascar vanilla. According to a press release, “While most flavored whiskeys taste more like the flavor than the whiskey, Not Your Father’s believes that the whiskey is the most important part. A touch of Madagascar vanilla is added to enhance the flavor, not mask it.” The bourbon is currently available in Wisconsin and Illinois for $29.99. Small Town Spirits, a subsidiary of Small Town Brewery, plans to make Not Your Father’s Bourbon available nationwide in 2018, according to Brewbound.