Unsurprisingly, the term “cocktail recipes” was searched almost twice as much in March of 2020 as it was in March of 2019, according to Google data analyzed by Upgraded Points (UP), a research-based digital media brand focused on travel.

It’s no secret that many have taken up the hobby of imbibing to pass the time in quarantine; self-isolation is made easier with a stiff drink. But not every cocktail is equally celebrated across the map. In fact, popularity is surprisingly divided by state lines. Like most great things (such as sports teams and rappers) each state has its favorite.

Among all the drinks that have been trending across the nation, some notable observations: The Vodka Fizz is New York’s Biggie, while The Paloma is Cali’s Tupac. It will surely shock no-one that Alaskans have an affinity for White Russians, given their proximity to its namesake. And we’re pretty certain that the Shirley Temples being served in Nevada’s Las Vegas aren’t the virgin kind, but surely they missed a trick in not mixing up some Grasshoppers?

Curious about the rest of the U.S.’s preferences? Look no further. UP compiled a list of the most common cocktails in the U.S. and then aggregated Google Trends data from over the past year to find the most searched cocktail in each state.

Lo and behold, here is every state’s favorite cocktail of the pandemic.

State Cocktail
AL Bellini
AK White Russian
AZ Jack and Coke
AR Mojito
CA Paloma
CO Mimosa
CT Coquito
DC Bay Breeze
DE Manhattan
FL Pina Colada
GA Mimosa
HI Mai Tai
ID Hot Buttered Rum
IL Mimosa
IN Tequila Sunrise
IA Fuzzy Navel
KS Wine Cooler
KY Wine Cooler
LA Daiquiri
ME Rusty Nail
MD Mimosa
MA Painkiller
MI 7 and 7
MN White Russian
MS Old Fashioned
MO Margarita
MT Dark N’ Stormy
NE Moscow Mule
NV Shirley Temple
NH Margarita
NJ Pina Colada
NM Pina Colada
NY Vodka Fizz
NC Mimosa
ND Sex on the Beach
OH Shandy
OK Bellini
OR Lemon Drop Martini
PA Wine Cooler
RI Dark N’ Stormy
SC Gin Fizz
SD Screwdriver
TN Mimosa
TX Margarita
UT Rickey
VT Cosmopolitan
VA Mojito
WA Mojito
WV White Russian
WI Old Fashioned
WY Long Island Iced Tea