It has recently come to light that Vice President Mike Pence once told a college dean his fraternity brothers had snuck a keg onto campus.
While a sophomore at Hanover College, a southern Indiana school affiliated with the Presbyterian Church, Pence reportedly told an associate dean that his Phi Gamma Delta fraternity brothers were violating the school’s no-alcohol policy by serving beer at a party.
The frat was regularly coming under fire for partying at the time; on one fateful occasion, an associate dean came to their house to look into possible alcohol possession. Pence, fraternity president, went ahead and ratted his fellow “Phi Gams” out. The administration proceeded accordingly.
“They really raked us over the coals,” Dan Murphy, Pence’s former fraternity brother and a current Hanover professor, told The Atlantic. “The whole house was locked down.” The Atlantic reports that Pence’s frat brothers were livid, but the school administration later offered him a job in the admissions office.