If you ask us, one of the greatest developments in America’s drinking culture in the past decade has been the rise (or revival to be more accurate) of our nation’s amazing cocktail culture. Spurred on by Sex and The City — yes, really — we’ve seen hundreds of craft cocktail bars open their doors, in big and small cities alike.
While a mixologist doing his or her thing, making you an unforgettable cocktail, whether following vague instructions like ‘whiskey…with something citrusy,’ or working off of a carefully constructed list of classics is always enjoyable, more often than not, that lovely experience will hit you in the wallet. Making great cocktails at home isn’t as easy as popping open a beer or twisting the cork out of a great bottle of wine, but armed with a quality recipe (and a well stocked bar), it’s not exactly a chore either. And now finding recipes for the classics has just gotten even easier.
If you’ve ever searched the web for a cocktail recipe you know some sites are great, while others leave something left to be desired. We always figured if Google could build a self-driving car, they could tell us how to put together a tasty drink like an Old Fashioned or a Moscow Mule…perhaps as we sit in that self-driving car. Well, the cocktail recipes, in your search results (yep…just a single click or tap closer) are here:
Google this morning is rolling out a new search feature that will tell you how to make any cocktail, offering step-by-step instructions, a list of ingredients, and even serving suggestions like type of garnish or drinkware.
The cocktail query, while maybe not as important in the grand scheme of things, is notable because there’s not necessarily only one way to make a drink. Instead, Google is actually figuring out which is the most preferred and popular cocktail recipe, based on search data. The company explains that the information on the cocktails come from a variety of sources, including both content sites and resources like Wikipedia, and the information is cross-checked in order to find the most consistent recipes and instructions. When one particular site is used for the recipe, that’s linked in the results.
In addition, the search feature is updated constantly in order to keep the recipes “fresh” based on its data sources and what people are searching for.
To use the feature in Google’s mobile app on iOS or Android, you just press the mic button and ask, “OK Google, how do I make a….?”
That’s the scoop from TechCrunch. While some casual searches reveal that Google has a great handle on the basics, the “cloud” won’t be replacing your favorite mixologist, or the folks publishing awesome, original recipes anytime soon…we hope.