As if paying someone to store your high-end bottles wasn’t enough, you can now pay someone to deliver your bottles to you pre-decanted. Yes, we’re rolling our eyes too.
The Cellar Beverly Hills (because, naturally) describes itself as a “premier fine wine concierge and storage service where exclusivity and high-tech innovations unite.” The cellar offers “military grade security,” that starts at the parking garage and goes straight to the cellar, equipped with surveillance cameras and on-site security. Web applications are available as well, allowing you to browse your bottles from wherever you are, including such services as “on-demand delivery and decanting.”
Cellar options can hold anywhere from 100 to 1500 bottles, all at temperature controlled, optimal humidity conditions. Other services include in-house concierge, who provide bottle recommendations to you from your collection, because why own a collection if you actually knew something about it?
Face palm.