112 degrees. For the past few days the heat index in the South has been roughly 112 degrees.
I’ve learned that there are two types of people in this world — those who crave the heat and those who run to the A/C like they’re going to melt on the spot. As someone who uncontrollably weeps when the temperature hits the high 80s, it can be an uphill battle to find relief from the heat.
But if we can all agree on one thing, it’s that the best way to combat the sweltering summer is to dive into a bit of ice cream. No matter if you’re someone who likes it hot or someone who’s already counting down for fall to come around, these boozy milkshakes are a dose of sweet relief.
Cheers to boozy desserts.
For Those Who Like To Drink Before Noon:
Bailey’s Mocha Frappuccino by Almost Supermom
The Booze: Irish cream. Perfect substitute for your morning iced coffee.
For Those Who Like Dirtying Up Their Childhood:
Lucky Charms Milkshake by How Sweet It Is
The Booze: Marshmallow vodka. Those little marshmallows never tasted so damn good.
For Those Who Go To Starbucks And Don’t Drink Coffee:
Strawberry Shortcake Milkshake by Wine and Glue
The Booze: Cake vodka. Take classic strawberry milkshake to the next level.
For Those Who Eat Nutella With A Spoon:
Chocolate Hazelnut Banana Smoothie by Jessica Gavin
The Booze: This recipe doesn’t call for any but that hasn’t stopped us before. Substitute some (or all) of the milk with your desired amount of hazelnut liqueur.
For Those Who Have An Andes Mint Obsession:
Shamrock Shakes by Cheeky Kitchen
The Booze: Irish cream and Creme de Menthe. #Blessed
For Those Who Managed To Save Some Girl Scout Cookies:
Samoa Cookies & Cream Milkshake by Country Cleaver
The Booze: Coconut rum. It’s like a sweet beachy getaway.
For Those Who Will Fight Someone For A Candy Bar:
Almond Joy Milkshake by The Kitchn
The Booze: Amaretto and chocolate liqueur. The best candy bar (not up for debate) just got better.
For Those Who Like It Hot:
Mexican Hot Chocolate Milkshake by Honey & Birch
The Booze: Coffee liqueur, specifically Patron XO Cafe. Warming in more ways than one—we’re already drooling.
For Those Who Like To Drink Their Breakfast:
Blueberry Pancake Milkshake by A Cookie Named Desire
The Booze: Blueberry vodka. Brunch just got 1000 percent better.
For Those Who Like To Go Glamping:
S’mores Milkshake by Sweet Sundays
The Booze: Irish cream. All of those rustic flavors without your hair endlessly smelling like a campfire.
For Those Who Tap Into Their Inner Flower Child:
Lavender White Chocolate Milkshake by Floating Kitchen
The Booze: Vodka. If this classy combination is wrong then I don’t want to be right.
For Those Who Don’t Discriminate Against Floats:
Hibiscus Cherry Ginger Bourbon Floats by Half Baked Harvest
The Booze: Bourbon (coconut rum also suggested). Does anything get more nostalgic than a float? Yeah, we didn’t think so either.