Fancy cheese is all fine and well, but this Friday, we decided to grab some Boursin spreadable cheese from our local bodega to pair with a bottle of Le Petit Coquerel Sauvignon Blanc from Napa Valley. Instead of pouring a glass in our usual office setting, we decided to head over to the park to celebrate the true arrival of spring.

Sauvignon Blanc is always a great cheese pairing wine, but sometimes the aggressive grassy notes in Sauvignon Blanc from places such as New Zealand can be overwhelming. However, because this Sauvignon Blanc is from Napa, we were curious to see if it had a fuller flavor that might complement the creaminess of the Boursin. Plus, with the added butteriness of the Ritz crackers, we knew we needed a wine with just the right amount of crisp acidity. Would Le Petit Coquerel do the trick?