The Story Behind The Marshmallow Mule

In the book "Camp Cocktails," author and co-founder of the Minnesota-based Vikre Distillery, Emily Vikre, has created a collection of fun and easy-to-make cocktails perfectly suited for the great outdoors.

The Marshmallow Mule, a drink that mixes vodka and soda with a rich toasted marshmallow and ginger syrup, originally debuted at a vodka release party at Vikre’s distillery. For the event, Vikre focused on classic vodka cocktails with artisanal twists.

Using the Moscow Mule, a vodka and ginger beer recipe, as her muse, Vikre experimented with a marshmallow-infused vodka, but was unsuccessful. Her marshmallow and ginger simple syrup, however, proved to be a hit. Vikre writes in her book that “people loved [the Marshmallow Mule] so much that they still request it, years later.”

“This is perfect for when you’re at the cabin or camping and you probably have marshmallows anyway… why not toast them and turn them into a simple syrup and use them with your vodka?” Vikre says.

See our Complete Guide to Mule Drinks including recipes and variations here!


  • 1½ ounces vodka (or whiskey or rum)
  • 1½ ounces Marshmallow and Ginger Syrup (recipe follows)
  • Soda water
  • Lime wedges
  • 1 marshmallow, for garnish


  1. To make the cocktail, in a tall glass filled with ice, add the vodka and syrup.
  2. Top with soda water and gently stir.
  3. Squeeze in lime wedges to taste.
  4. Stick your garnish marshmallow onto a long toothpick.
  5. Light it on fire, blow it out, then stick the toothpick into the cocktail, marshmallow side out of the drink, to garnish.

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Updated: 2022-12-13

Marshmallow and Ginger Syrup Ingredients

  • 10 marshmallows
  • 1 cup sugar
  • 1 cup water
  • ½ cup grated fresh ginger

Marshmallow and Ginger Syrup Directions

  1. To make the syrup, toast the marshmallows over dying embers until they are dark brown and melted inside.
  2. Put them into a heavy-bottomed pot and add the sugar and water.
  3. Slowly bring to a boil, stirring frequently to dissolve the sugar and the marshmallows.
  4. Once you reach a gentle boil, turn the heat down to a simmer and continue cooking and stirring until the marshmallows have dissolved.
  5. Remove the syrup from the heat, stir in the ginger, and transfer to a heatproof container.
  6. Cover and allow to cool overnight.
  7. The next day, strain the syrup through a fine-mesh strainer lined with cheesecloth. The syrup will keep in a tightly sealed container in the fridge for at least 2 weeks.
The Marshmallow Mule Recipe