The Story Behind The Strawberry Mezcal Flip

This week, I wanted to create a cocktail with some real body to it. I love to combine earthy spirits with strawberries and tequila. The earthy, smoky notes from espadin mezcal are the perfect accompaniment to the slightly acidic but very sweet strawberries. To balance the cocktail, we needed a little citrus. Although nothing says Mexico like a little lime, we opted instead for grapefruit to give it that little extra flavor kick. Then we had to find something unique to make this cocktail really distinctive. Amaro is our new go-to for cocktails that are missing that little extra oomph. It's such a versatile liqueur and can add so much to an otherwise ordinary cocktail.

It's taken some time to educate friends and family on egg white cocktails. Naturally, I now have to step it up and show them that the yolk can also be utilized in cocktails, so I decided to make this cocktail a flip. Adding in the whole egg takes it to the next level, with an extremely smooth, creamy texture, and that froth on top makes you want to get a spoon and savor every bit.


  • 1.5 ounces espadin mezcal
  • 1 ounce amaro
  • 1 ounce grapefruit juice
  • ½ ounce simple syrup
  • 1 whole strawberry (chopped)
  • 1 whole egg (yolk and all; no shell)
  • Garnish: strawberry


  1. Combine all the ingredients into a cocktail shaker with 1 cup of ice
  2. Shake vigorously for 1 minute to emulsify all the flavors effectively
  3. Strain contents out into separate glass and remove ice from your shaker
  4. Replace liquid contents into shaker and shake hard again for 2 minutes
  5. Fill Collins glass with ice
  6. Strain contents from shaker into Collins glass over fresh ice
  7. Garnish with whole strawberry

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Yield: 1 cocktail
Updated: 2019-05-06

What do you get when you combine fresh strawberries and smokey Mezcal? This delicious Strawberry Mezcal Flip Recipe. Get the recipe now!